Gaskamine 240

Product Features
- No VOC
- G-240 is a modified amine with extremely low viscosity. It does not require the use of a diluent and is suitable as a curing agent for solvent-free (No VOC) paints. It can also be used as a reactive diluent. By switching from solvent-based paints, it contributes to the reduction of environmental impact.
- Low Viscosity (Easy Handling)
- G-240 has extremely low viscosity of 70 mPa-s/25°C or less, improving workability.
- Long Pot Life & Fast Curing
- G-240 has a long pot life and fast curing once curing starts. This contributes to improved productivity.
- Amine Brushing Resistance & Chemical Resistance
- G-240 is a polyamine made by modifying MXDA with styrene. It can suppress the occurrence of amine blushing. In addition, it has high water resistance and chemical resistance.
Main Applications
Gaskamine 240 is used in various applications where amine blushing resistance and chemical resistance are required.
- Heavy-duty anti-corrosion coatings (bridges, marine structures)
- G-240 has high water and salt water resistance, making it suitable as a coating for structures that require anticorrosion properties, such as bridges and offshore structures.
- Marine Paint
- G-240 has high water resistance and saltwater resistance, making it suitable as an epoxy hardener for marine paints.
- Coating of piping, etc.
- G-240 has high water and chemical resistance, making it suitable as a curing agent for coatings on pipes, etc.
- Flooring materials
- G-240 has a long pot life and fast curing properties, which improves workability. It is also suitable for flooring materials due to its water resistance and corrosion resistance.
No VOC : Solventless epoxy resin curing agent
G-240 is a modified amine with extremely low viscosity, making it suitable as a curing agent for solvent-free (No VOC) paints.

Potlife & Curing Performance.
Gaskamine 240 is an excellent curing agent that combines long potlife and fast curing performance.

Water & Chemical Resistance
Gaskamine 240 provides excellent water & chemical resistance.